Spring 2020 Promises a bold step towards sustainability • Managed intensive grazing—ruminants and other critters—will begin the next phase
of adding animal diversity to the system. So, rather than export carbon (hay), the pasture will begin to fulfill our promise to build top soil, increasing biological diversity while growing nutritious forage plants (grasses, legumes, forbs)—Feeding critters (cows, sheep, pollinators, chickens, and other animals) who in turn feed the soil . Stay tuned!

Grazing this field will build soil carbon, rather than exporting carbon  and valuable soil nutrients as Hay. (as beautiful as hay bales are…) {thank you Claude Monet}

Grazing this field will build soil carbon, rather than exporting carbon
and valuable soil nutrients as Hay. (as beautiful as hay bales are…)
{thank you Claude Monet}

Polyface Farm, Virginia Summer 2020

Intensive grazing: Polyface Farm Virginia 2019

Joel Salatin’s grazing operation is reknowned, and I was THERE to learn! –Pam@Salt-n-Pepper-Farm LLC